Saturday, January 8, 2011

The toughest step?

What is the toughest part of a run? Is it that last push near the finish when you have nothing left? Could it be during mile10 of a long and cold 20 mile training run? Maybe... But for me the toughest part of a run doesn't happen during the run at all.

The toughest part for me? That first step out the door! Being and a husband and father, working a full time job, and  all the other obligations life brings take a great deal of time and energy- that leaves less for my running. Then there are those days where I look outside and its raining, freezing cold, or unbearably humid and I think, "what a day for a run."  Combine being tired with the weather and excuses start to mount, killing my desire to run. And I am sad to say the excuses have kept me from my training more times then I care to admit.

But you know what... On the days when I put aside being tired, the weather, or any of the other excuses I came up with, the run always ends up being worth it. Usually within a few minutes of starting the run, I start to feel really good and end up enjoying the run. And even if I don't fully enjoy the it while I am running, the sense of accomplishment- knowing I am getting healthier and am closer to my goal- always makes the run worth it.

So as training begins I will not let excuses stop me and I will take that toughest step out the door, because I know the payoff is worth it.

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