Thursday, October 24, 2013

Someday doesn't exist but Supermen do

"Someday doesn't exist. Never has and never will. There is only right now"

"Real supermen don't leap over buildings in a single bound- they take small determined steps, consistently over time."

My two favorite lines from the this inspirational running video from the Salt Lake City Marathon Facebook page (did I mention that's my spring marathon?) Take the next 2:32 and watch the video now! (Seriously, do it!)

Alright, if you haven't already laced up your running shoes and left for a run- then please finish reading, since, well, you're here anyway.

How many of us have had a fitness or life goal and said "someday I will..."? I know I have, but after the year I had last year I vowed that I would never say "someday" again. I love my job and strive to be a great teacher- but I refuse to sacrifice my health and happiness to get there. I refuse to push off marathon training, or an epic hiking trip for "someday."  If I wish to remain healthy and happy (both make me a better teacher, btw) then I need to run, hike and be active now!

But what about Superman? As my 15-20 faithful readers know, I have an awesome and adorable son, William. Now like most dads, I often wonder what he thinks of me or what he will think as he gets older. I viewed, or maybe still do view, my dad as the perfect mix of Einstein, Superman, and Plato.  What will William think?  I may never be able to "leap over a building in a single bound," but I can set a great example of the importance of being fit and working extremely hard to achieve your goals. If I can impart these two things William will be well on his way to being a great young man.

What do you want to do NOW?! Not someday, but now! Leave a comment on the goals you want to achieve.

Here's the 411 on today's run:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Cov! Living a consistent healthy lifestyle is the most important goal of all.
