Friday, October 18, 2013

Training Partners

I've run three marathons over the past four years and 90% of my training was done solo. Sure, I had Ellie, my trusted Chocolate Lab, but she was one for conversation. And yes, I have had William in the jogging stroller since he was a tiny baby (and there have been some great runs)- but singing songs from "Baby Signing Times" and answering the unending questions a toddler has, well, not always been motivational.

My life (as mentioned in a my previous post "Running Schedule") was never conducive to having training partners, because I could never set firm times day to day or week to week. So, I logged hundreds of miles on my own.  I never really minded much and started to accept that is the way I would always train.

But a funny thing happened in Telluride... I set a firm running schedule (I keep coming back to that- I know) and with that running schedule came training partners.

Let me introduce you...

James: We taught together back in VA before he moved to Telluride about 6 years ago (he was my "Telluride recruiter" when I was looking for a new place to teach). James is a great guy- loves running, hiking, biking and just being outdoors. He jumped at the chance to start a running group.

Christopher: He is a friend and colleague of James and we hit it off right away. While he is new to running, he has already made great strides in become a strong runner. In addition to being on board for a Fall 2014 marathon, he also serves as our groups natural food expert

I can't tell you what a difference having training partners makes. Accountability, motivation, conversation- it's all there and it has made me a better and more committed runner.

Here's some musical motivation for your next run:

Stand Up (by DMB) and go run!

And the 411 on my last one (ironically done without either James or Christopher):

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